I am not sure where this one comes from, but our product team used it for a while a few years ago at comet. It's probably a mix of different tools that we adapted to our needs.

It's pretty easy to use.

1/ List all the features you believe you need to work on

This list can be based on user requests, internal discussions, etc.


2/ you list all the business impacts you want your product to have for the next period of time (quarter, year, etc.)

These business impacts should be the list of what you believe your product should accomplish in order to have a true business impact, for instance for us before our series A:


3/ Based on this you try to see what are the impact of each feature

This will give you a score like this:


4/ After discussion with the tech team, try to see how hard the features are technically speaking

At comet we used to use the PRD method and we classified the difficulty of each feature by the potential size of the PRD: small, middle, big. Then we added a monetary value to each feature based on our tech team salaries, and the difficulty to develop these features:


5/ Map the features based on their ROI

After assessing the potential Returns and Investments, the tool will give us a map of the different features based on their ROI allowing us to prioritize our roadmap:


<aside> 💡 If you want to copy the Gsheet of this tool. Just click here.
